Ottima Ottima
Categoria: Wixoss
Tipologia: Mazzi
Sottocat.: Wixoss

Codice a barre: 4904810912743
Lingua: ENG

Disponibilità: DISPONIBILE
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A reprinted only powerful deck to join the tournament scene for new users.

High Value Reprinted and New Drawn Art!
-3 kinds SR SIGNI (2 Cards for each including Phalaris, Code: Ancients !
Phararis and Lv.3 Urith are newly illustration for the English EDITION!
Lv.3 Urith , PIECE and SR SIGNI are all Foiled!
"Deck playing guide sheet" for new users is included.


Purchase Campaign!
Hello! Selector Campaign Vol. 2, will be held in the same way as for the Conflated DIVA.

Constructed Deck Information

- It includes 52 cards 
- "Rule-Playmat Sheet and Deck Playing Guide Sheet" x 2