Categoria: FoW
Tipologia: Box
Sottocat.: FoW

Codice a barre: 4580578404265
Lingua: ENG

Disp. dal 29/11/2024
Disponibilità: PREORDINE
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The battle at the Sacred Ruins is over. Lucie and Lyka, remain in Academy City to further explore the ruins, trying to decipher their secret, crossing again and again the veil that separates the normal world of Protopaterpolis from the Underworld of Protopaterpolis, where magic and mysteries dwell. Meanwhile, Princess Alex Sansta, after obtaining the power of Thir'ahmh in the Sacred Ruins, travels back with her friend and protector, Bianchi, to her home country, "The Kingdom of the Light Palace", also called "The Land of the Moon", with the idea of reuniting with her mother and sister to show them her new ability to defend her country from enemy attacks. As soon as they arrive, the veil of the Underworld is damaged by a terrible mystical force: tired of waiting and under the threat of enemy attack, the Queen, Giotto Sansta, has made an alliance with a dark power from another dimension, gaining the power the power of the Timeless Eclipse, a way to subjugate the other kingdoms and cities of Protopaterpolis by plunging the Underworld into an eternal darkness.

With her mother determined to wage war without quarter and her sister missing, Alex Sansta travels through all the neighboring kingdoms trying to avoid war, discovering that, unfortunately, the dark power of the eclipse has corrupted the leaders of the other kingdoms.
A new threat looms over Protopaterpolis. The war for the control of this world is imminent. And everything will become more complex with the arrival of the queen's ally to this world, because, the Conqueror of Dimensions, Collector of Worlds and Rebel of Darkest Fires, GIll Lapis, is about to arrive to Protopaterpolis to conquer it. And this time, will there be anyone with enough power to stop him?

Welcome to the third set of the Trinity Cluster! In this set, we will accompany Alex Sansta through the kingdoms neighboring "The Kingdom of the Light Palace", discovering that, although in the past of Force of Will, we had already been in this world. Five new characters, including already known characters, will be the ones that cross Alex Sansta's path while she tries to stop the war. The new Vehicle frame will join the Regular frame and the Solo Mode frame in a new type of regalia! Players will also discover five new abilities: Eclipse, Ambush, Depths, Overgrowh and Terrifying. Themes from the past, Mobilize and Resonance, are also reinforced, and a mysterious theme from the future, Fate, appears as well to give us a hint of the future! Join now the ravaging world of Trinity Cluster of Force of Will!

Buy-a-box Promo Information

T3 Buy a Box  Promo 1 card
T3 SP 1 Card

Memoria Collection 06 Pack 1 pack (10cards are included)


Buy-a-box Promo are enclosed in the display box. Limited to the first production.


Booster Break Down

 Total 100 kinds 

 -Normal                           41 kinds
  -Rare                              22 kinds
  -Rare/SSR.                       5 kinds
  -Super Rare                     18 kinds 
  -Marvel Rare.                   5 kinds
  -Ruler / J-Ruler.                5 kinds
  -J-Ruler.                          1 kinds
  -SRR                                1 kinds
  -XR                                   2 kinds

  -Secret Card                    5 kinds
  -Special Secret Card       2 kinds

Product configuration

  -1 pack contains 8 cards
  -1 box contains 36 packs
  -1 carton contains 6 boxes